
Where is Castel del Monte? Exact location & different ways to get there

Where is Castel del Monte located?

Address: Castel del Monte, Strada Statale 170, 76123 Andria BT, Italy.
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Castel del Monte is situated near the town of Andria in Apulia, Italy. This iconic medieval fortress stands atop a hill, offering panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Located about 15 kilometers from Andria's town center, the castle is easily accessible by road and is a prominent landmark in the region.

Closest landmark: Basilica dei Santi Medici Cosma e Damiano, approximately 2.7 kms away.

Getting to Castel del Monte with public transportation

By train & bus

  • Best for: Combining efficiency with sightseeing and avoiding bus schedule limitations.
  • Travel time: Approximately 45 minutes by train and then a 30-minute bus journey from Andria Cathedral to the castle.
  • Closest stop: Andria Train Station is a 5-minute walk from the Cathedral.
  • Timings: Trains from various major Italian cities arrive at Andria Station throughout the day. From there, catch bus number 6 at the nearby bus stop for a scenic ride to Castel del Monte. Buses run regularly, but verify timetables beforehand.

Take the train to Andria Station, soak in the historical charm of the cathedral, and then hop on bus number 6 for a relaxing ride through the Apulian countryside. Disembark at Porta La Barra and enjoy a short walk to the castle entrance.

Getting to Castel del Monte by car

Driving route
Parking facilities

  • Best for: Time-conscious travelers, sightseeing.
  • Travel time: Approximately 20 minutes.
  • Distance: 19.1 km.
  • Route: Head north on Piazza Duomo towards Via Monsignor Giuseppe di Donna. Turn right onto Via Domenico de Anellis and onto Via S. Francesco. Continue onto Via Carlo Troia and Via Porta Castello. Turn left onto Via Giovanni Bovio and keep left to continue on Via Pendio San Lorenzo. Follow the signs to Castel del Monte. Enjoy shorter travel time with this direct route.

Right next to the castle entrance lies a spacious parking lot, where you can park your vehicle at a nominal fee.

  • Parcheggio Castel del Monte: Located just 0.1 km from the castle, this private parking facility offers covered and uncovered spaces for a fee.
  • Area Camper Castel del Monte: The convenient spot sits 0.2 km away, offering designated campervan parking with toilets and a restaurant.
  • Parcheggio La Corte Del Gusto: This option, 0.5 km from the castle, provides a mix of covered and uncovered parking spaces at a budget-friendly price.

Walking to Castel del Monte

Walking to the Castel is a viable option for those who love extended walks and have ample time to explore. However, it's essential to note that the journey takes approximately 3 hours from Andria City Center. Due to the considerable duration, it may be deemed impractical and strenuous for some visitors. In such cases, alternative transportation methods, such as buses or taxis, are recommended for a more time-efficient and comfortable journey to the attraction.

Plan your visit to Castel del Monte

Frequently asked questions about Castel del Monte location

Where is Castel del Monte located?

Castel del Monte is located near the town of Andria in Apulia, Italy.

Which city is Castel del Monte in?

Castel del Monte is situated near the city of Andria in the Apulia region of Italy.

How do I get to Castel del Monte?

You can drive down or take a train and then a bus to reach the castle.

Which is the best way to get to Castel del Monte?

The best way depends on your preferences. Buses are budget-friendly, cars offer flexibility, and walking grants scenic immersion.

Which is the fastest way to get to Castel del Monte?

Driving or taking a taxi is the fastest way to reach Castel del Monte from Andria.

Which is the cheapest way to get to Castel del Monte?

Public transport, such as trains and buses, is typically the more budget-friendly option.

Which is the closest bus stop to Castel del Monte?

The closest bus stop is Andria Bus Station.

Which is the closest train station to Castel del Monte?

Andria Train Station is the closest train station to Castel del Monte.

Can I park at Castel del Monte?

Yes, ample free parking is available right beside the castle entrance.

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